Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy National Margarita Day!

February 22, 2012 is National Margarita Day!

Sadly, there is no ice in my house.  But I've made do...

Margarita, no ice

Rim your glass with salt (I like purple) by wetting edge and dipping edge in salt on a plate.  If you don't have a proper glass, a cocktail glass will work.

About 1 oz tequilla (or whatever looks good)
A splash of triple sec
Limeade or bar lime mix to top it off.

Garnish with a cherry, preferably with a stem.

Usually, I throw all the above in a blender and give it a good whirl.  Frozen margaritas are my favorite.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

12 Ladies In A Tent: Helping Hands For Hungry Homes

I have recently joined a great group of ladies for an event called 12 Ladies in a Tent Helping Hands for Hungry Homes in support of the Barrie Food Bank.  This event, taking place June 8 - 12, 2012 at Allandale Station Park plans to raise 150,000 lbs of food.

We are collecting food and monetary donations at Simcoe North Fixtures & Packaging and other locations to be named shortly, prior to the official event.

The 5 day event itself will include many activities, cook-offs, BBQs, entertainment, dream auction and much more!  Details will be released shortly.

So support your local food bank and come out to see the 12 Ladies June 8 - 12!